Date(s) - 22/03/2025
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Hi All
This year they will be Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March also Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April ( if we need it ) all from 9 am until 4 pm We aim to stain the complete exterior of all of our wooden buildings as they are looking rather dull . This will obviously depend on the weather being kind to us , that is why we have a second weekend planned if we need it . There are also numerous small jobs to complete , as well as gardening , a list will be going up at the Club shortly . If we have enough volunteers we should be able to complete in one day so please spare an hour or two if you can . We have a limited number of paint kettles and brushes , so if you have one please bring it along .
Thank you.
Trevor .
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